
The article deals with the importance of gymnastic terminology, which can be used to solve the issues of theoretical and methodical assistance to physical education teachers of schools, secondary and higher education institutions, for coaches of all sports for teaching physical education, writing programs, textbooks and manuals. But despite the significant number of publications devoted to the topic, many of them have different names for the same exercises, positions, actions. The purpose of the research: to draw the attention of scientists and practitioners of physical culture and sports to the need for unification of gymnastics terminology, as well as to justify the need to solve this problem. Methodology of the research: analysis and synthesis of educational, scientific and methodical literature, video materials, as well as terminological analysis of physical education programs in general secondary education institutions. Results of the research. We have repeatedly raised the issue of mastering the skills of gymnastics terminology by higher education students as one of the important professional competences. A number of articles, abstracts and speeches at conferences and professional seminars were devoted to this issue. Today we have the opportunity to acquire knowledge remotely using the Internet, which is full of educational materials, reference sources, and videos in the chosen field of education. It is very important, that this information would be reliable. But, unfortunately, the analysis of many video lessons on physical education and teaching of certain elements is accompanied by terminological errors, which we have analyzed and offered our corrected version of gymnastic terms. Conclusions. In order to solve the issues of unification of gymnastic terminology successfully, it is necessary to find out all the regularities and trends of the Ukrainian language for elimination of the ambiguity of the term. We believe, that this process will be accelerated by a discussion or conference at the state level on the terminology of gymnastic exercises, taking into account the experience of work with the current terminology and critical comments. And the justification for the need to carry out these measures is the presence of numerous terminological errors in state documents, educational, methodical manuals and periodicals in the field of physical culture and sports.

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