
Introduction. The article presents a study of the significant problems of higher education in the post-Covid world and the urgent need to transform education in accordance with the requirements of digitalization. The purpose of the article is to describe the image of modern higher education in the post-Covid world, which presupposes the formation and development of the new type of thinking. Materials and Methods. Analysis of higher education in the post-Covid world involves the use of a number of general philosophical principles and research methods, such as comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy, dialectical, systemic, structural-functional methods, as well as value-semantic, competence-based and other approaches, including the global cultural concepts of B. Holmberg, S. Jarmon and others, which make it possible to construct the image of modern higher education in the post-Covid world. To achieve the goal, the authors have reviewed a number of international and Russian studies on the problems of digitalization of education. Results. The authors clarify the role and place of higher education in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, which spread widely around the world in early 2020, and has had a serious impact on the education sector. It has led to almost complete paralysis of schools, colleges and universities. The process, which, only at first glance, seems to be temporary, in fact causes serious fears of deep socio-economic consequences and a new round of the world educational crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the very foundations of education: its ability to exist. It seems that today it is important not only to rethink the problems of new digital, online and pedagogical possibilities of modern education, but also the very essence of education, its main goals and new mission. Reviewing recent research literature enables the authors to conclude that the education that was before the pandemic will never exist. The new type of education is being formed. Its nature, image, foundations, values and meaning depend on the efforts of modern researchers and teachers. This article has summarized the main trends in the field of education in the post-Covid world. Conclusions. The article concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the development of the higher education system and highlights the need for its radical modernization. The authors emphasize that in the post-Covid world higher education will radically change its nature, content and forms. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a flexible synthesis in the development of innovative and traditional educational technologies and methods.

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