
Recently, the concept of small molecule activation by frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) has been expanded to the solid state showing a variety of interesting reactivities. Therefore, there is a need to establish a computational protocol to investigate such systems theoretically. In the present study, we selected several FLPs and applied multiple levels of theory, ranging from a semi-empirical tight-binding Hamiltonian to dispersion corrected hybrid density functionals. Their performance is benchmarked for the computation of crystal geometries, thermostatistical contributions, and reaction energies. We show that the computationally efficient HF-3c method gives accurate crystal structures and is numerically stable and sufficiently fast for routine applications. This method also gives reliable values for the thermostatistical contributions to Gibbs free energies. The meta-generalized gradient approximated TPSS-D3 evaluated in a projector augmented plane wave basis set is able to produce sufficiently accurate reaction electronic energies. The established protocol is intended to support experimental studies and to predict new reactions in the emerging field of solid-state FLPs.This article is part of the themed issue 'Frustrated Lewis pair chemistry'.

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