
During the 1990’s and 2000’s audience research departments at broadcasting companies and advertising agencies played a serious role in the development of Russian sociology of media. One such subsidiary is VGTRK’s Audience Research Agency, founded by media manager and journalist A.G. Bystritsky, and which for a long time was run by sociologist A.V. Sharikov. The tasks of the Agency have repeatedly changed for 12 incomplete years of its work. They included secondary analysis of the results of TV audience measurement, expert surveys, audience qualitative studies, research expeditions to the Russian regions, etc. A special place among the Agency projects is held by the first exit poll in the history of Russian sociology (1993). Examined are the main periods and lines of activity of this subsidiary, its projects and the publications based upon them. Information is provided about the leading experts who participated in the agency’s activities throughout the years of its existence.


  • До этого момента фокус-группы по заказу Всероссийская государственная телевизионная и радиовещательная компания (ВГТРК) под контролем Социологической службы проводили либо ВЦИОМ, либо исследовательские структуры, аффилированные с факультетом психологии МГУ

  • During the 1990’s and 2000’s audience research departments at broadcasting companies and advertising agencies played a serious role in the development of Russian sociology of media

  • A special place among the Agency projects is held by the first exit poll in the history of Russian sociology (1993)

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К ИСТОРИИ СОЦИОЛОГИИ СМИ В РОССИИ: СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ СЛУЖБА ВГТРК И ЕЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ (1992–2003) К истории социологии СМИ в России: Социологическая служба ВГТРК и ее исследования (1992–2003) // Социологический журнал. Деятельность Социологической службы ВГТРК, которой посвящена настоящая статья, берет свое начало в 1990-е гг., когда в контексте Перестройки и распада СССР начинается новый этап развития отечественной социологии медиа. Ермолаева) [1], а также Социологическая служба ВГТРК.

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