
The history of exploration of the Ilímaussaq alkaline intrusion is briefly reviewed. Geological and mineralogical investigations were first carried out by K.L. Giesecke in 1806. Later K.J.V. Steenstrup, N.V. Ussing, C.E. Wegmann and a number of others have undertaken studies in and around the intrusion. The intrusion is mainly composed of peralkaline (agpaitic) nepheline syenites and is rich in rare elements and rare minerals. A number of minerals were first discovered in this intrusion, viz. ænigmatite, arfvedsonite, britholite, chalcothallite, epistolite, eudialyte, igdloite (= lueshite), ilimaussite, naujakasite, polylithionite, rinkite, schizolite, sodalite, sorensenite, steenstrupine, tugtupite and ussingite. Renewed geological and mineralogical activity has taken place in Ilímaussaq during the last few years in connection with an examination of the economic geology of the area. A series of publications is in preparation. It was therefore considered to be of some value to present an account of the work until now and to prepare a list of the minerals so far identified and of the papers dealing with the intrusion. The bibliography, together with that prepared by Bøggild (1953), contains the titles of all the papers on the mineralogy, geochemistry and geology of the intrusion known to the writer.


  • More information can be found in UssrnG's preface to the first edition of B0GGILD's "Mineralogy of Green­ land" and in later papers by B0GVAD (1949) and GARBOE (1959, 1961)

  • The present paper is designed as the introduction to a new series of papers on the mineralogy of Ilimaussaq, of which two papers have already appeared and a number of papers are in preparation

  • Papers on the mineralogy of Ilimaussaq have been published during this period by DAN0 & S0RENSEN (1959), BucHWALD & S0RENSEN (1961), BoNDAM & FERGUSON (1962), OEN & S0RENSEN (1964) and S0RENSEN (1960, 1962, 1963)

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Eudialyte was established by STROMEYER in 1819 on material collected by Grn­ SECKE Specimens of this mineral were very probably brought to Europe earlier than GrnsECKE's expedition but they were described as hyacinth or garnet The specimens brought home by STEE 'STRUP were examined fir L of all by LoRE 'ZE;-i who established the new minerals steenslrupine, Ill 'l'hc History of Exploration of Ilimau saq. Many of the specimens from Ilimaussaq or, as the area often is termed in mineralogical textbooks, the Kangerdluarssuk region, found in mineral collections all over the world come from K.

The Hislory of Explora lion of Ilimaussaq
Alkali Granite
The History of Exploration of Ilimaussaq
Alkaline Intrusion
Contributions to the Mineralogy of Ilimaussaq
Papers in preparation
Full Text
Paper version not known

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