
Lamé's differential equation is a linear differential equation of the second order with a periodic coefficient involving the Jacobian elliptic function ${\rm sn}$ depending on the modulus $k$, and two additional parameters $h$ and $\nu$. This differential equation appears in several applications, for example, the motion of coupled particles in a periodic potential. Stability and existence of periodic solutions of Lamé's equations is determined by the value of its Hill discriminant $D(h,\nu,k)$. The Hill discriminant is compared to an explicitly known quantity including explicit error bounds. This result is derived from the observation that Lamé's equation with $k=1$ can be solved by hypergeometric functions because then the elliptic function ${\rm sn}$ reduces to the hyperbolic tangent function. A connection relation between hypergeometric functions then allows the approximation of the Hill discriminant by a simple expression. In particular, one obtains an asymptotic approximation of $D(h,\nu,k)$ when the modulus $k$ tends to $1$.

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