
The heat capacities of argon, ammonia, and methanol on carbon black at 87.3, 240, and 300 K, respectively, have been investigated. The carbon black surface has been modeled with and without carbonyl groups. Part of this investigation is a decomposition of the heat capacity into its contributions from the different interaction potentials of an adsorption system. All systems show a spectrum of heat capacity versus loading, and this behavior depends on the carbonyl configuration present on the surface. For methanol and ammonia the variation of the heat capacity between the two for the same carbonyl configurations is greater than the variation in the heat of adsorption. Heat capacities of methanol and ammonia are generally dominated by fluid-fluid interactions due to the strong association of fluid particles through hydrogen bonding. The difference in the heat capacity behavior of the two fluids is an indicator of their different clustering behaviors on the carbon black surface. The presence of carbonyl groups reduces the fluid-fluid contributions to the heat capacity. This is due to the compensation of fluid-fluid interactions with fluid-functional group interactions. At 87.3 K a first layer transition to a solidlike state is present for argon and results in a large peak in the heat capacity on a bare surface. The presence of functional groups greatly reduces this peak in the heat capacity by disrupting the packing of argon on the surface and preventing a transition to a solidlike state.

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