
A crucial ingredient in the recent discovery by Ablowitz, Halburd, Herbst and Korhonen (2000, 2007) that a connection exists between discrete Painleve equations and (finite order) Nevanlinna theory is an estimate of the integrated average of log + |f(z + 1)/f(z)| on |z| = r. We obtained essentially the same estimate in our previous paper (2008) independent of Halburd et al. (2006). We continue our study in this paper by establishing complete asymptotic relations amongst the logarithmic differences, quotients and logarithmic derivatives for finite order meromorphic functions. In addition to the potential applications of our new estimates in integrable systems, they are also of independent interest. In particular, our findings show that there are marked differences between the growth of meromorphic functions with Nevanlinna order less than and greater than one. We have established a difference analogue of the classical Wiman-Valiron type estimates for meromorphic functions with order less than one, which allow us to prove that all entire solutions of linear equations (with polynomial coefficients) of order less than one must have positive rational order of growth. We have also established that any entire solution to a first order algebraic equation (with polynomial coefficients) must have a positive order of growth, which is a difference analogue of a classical result of Polya.

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