
This paper deals with the Cauchy problem for the Hardy-Hénon equation (and its fractional analogue). Local well-posedness for initial data in the class of continuous functions with slow decay at infinity is investigated. Small data (in critical weak-Lebesgue space) global well-posedness is obtained in $C_{b}([0,\infty);L^{q_c,\infty}(\mathbb R^{n}))$. As a direct consequence, global existence for data in strong critical Lebesgue $L^{q_c}(\mathbb R^{n})$ follows under a smallness condition while uniqueness is unconditional. Besides, we prove the existence of self-similar solutions and examine the long time behavior of globally defined solutions. The zero solution $u\equiv 0$ is shown to be asymptotically stable in $L^{q_c}(\mathbb R^{n})$ -- it is the only self-similar solution which is initially small in $L^{q_c}(\mathbb R^{n})$. Moreover, blow-up results are obtained under mild assumptions on the initial data and the corresponding Fujita critical exponent is found.

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