
It is commonly observed that the columnar vortices that dominate the large scales in homogeneous, rapidly rotating turbulence are predominantly cyclonic. This has prompted us to ask how this asymmetry arises. To provide a partial answer to this we look at the process of columnar vortex formation in a rotating fluid and, in particular, we examine how a localized region of swirl (an eddy) can convert itself into a columnar structure by inertial wave propagation. We show that, when the Rossby number (Ro) is small, the vortices evolve into columnar eddies through the radiation of linear inertial waves. When the Rossby number is large, on the other hand, no such column is formed. Rather, the eddy bursts radially outward under the action of the centrifugal force. There is no asymmetry between cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies for these two regimes. However, cyclones and anticyclones behave differently in the intermediate regime of Ro∼1. Here we find that the transition from columnar vortex formation to radial bursting occurs at lower values of Ro for anticyclones, with the transition for anticyclones occurring at Ro∼0.5, and that for cyclones at Ro∼2. Thus, in a homogeneous turbulence experiment conducted at, say, Ro=1, we would expect to see more cyclones than anticyclones. The reason for this asymmetry at Ro∼1 is explained.

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