
The relevance of the article consists in its analyzing of some confl ict situations containing religious factor in simultaneous stressing the unreadiness of graduates of all levels of the Islamic education system to solve confl icts. The article presents analysis of interactions presented in the Qur’an and provided with divine methods of confl ict resolution. The purpose of the analysis is to expand the theoretical base for the development of optimal didactic means of forming a confl ictological culture of Muslim clergy. The study allows us to conclude that the Holy Qur’an contains none fundamental disagreement with the theoretical postulates and practical recommendations of confl ictologists. Considering, that for believers quotations of Holy Scripture are much more signifi cant than results of any scientifi c research, the Qur’anic teachings are the most eff ective means to develop a confl ictological culture of Muslim clergy. The article would be useful for confl ict scholars, confl ict psychologists, religious scholars and theologians, the current Muslim clergy at all levels.


  • The relevance of the article consists in its analyzing of some conflict situations containing religious factor

  • in simultaneous stressing the unreadiness of graduates of all levels

  • The article presents analysis of interactions presented in the Qur'an

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Целью анализа является расширение теоретической базы для разработки оптимальных дидактических средств формирования конфликтологической культуры мусульманского духовенства. Что для верующей аудитории доводы религиозного первоисточника несравненно весомее сугубо научных изысканий, коранические поучения являются наиболее эффективным средством формирования конфликтологической культуры мусульманского духовенства. Ключевые слова: конфликтологическая культура, религиозный фактор, мусульманское духовенство, формирование конфликтологической культуры, Коран.

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