
Building on the open-loop algorithm we introduce a new method for the automated construction of one-loop amplitudes and their reduction to scalar integrals. The key idea is that the factorisation of one-loop integrands in a product of loop segments makes it possible to perform various operations on-the-fly while constructing the integrand. Reducing the integrand on-the-fly, after each segment multiplication, the construction of loop diagrams and their reduction are unified in a single numerical recursion. In this way we entirely avoid objects with high tensor rank, thereby reducing the complexity of the calculations in a drastic way. Thanks to the on-the-fly approach, which is applied also to helicity summation and for the merging of different diagrams, the speed of the original open-loop algorithm can be further augmented in a very significant way. Moreover, addressing spurious singularities of the employed reduction identities by means of simple expansions in rank-two Gram determinants, we achieve a remarkably high level of numerical stability. These features of the new algorithm, which will be made publicly available in a forthcoming release of the OpenLoops program, are particularly attractive for NLO multi-leg and NNLO real–virtual calculations.


  • An important example is given by the real–virtual contributions to next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) calculations, which require very fast and highly stable one-loop amplitudes in deeply infrared regions of phase space

  • The essence of the open-loop method [9] consists of a numerical recursion that generates cut-open loop diagrams, called open loops, by multiplying, one after the other, the various building blocks that are connected through loop propagators

  • We confirm that runtimes tend to grow linearly with the number of one-loop diagrams up to 2 → 4 processes [9], and we find that this scaling behaviour persists up to 2 → 5 processes

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Based on the integrand reduction method by del Aguila and Pittau [2], we will introduce an on-the-fly technique for the reduction of open loops In this way, we will promote OpenLoops to an algorithm that combines the construction and the reduction of loop amplitudes in a unified numerical recursion. For what concerns numerical stability, in order to avoid severe instabilities that result from squared inverse Gram determinants in the reduction identities of [2], we present a method that isolates such instabilities in certain triangle topologies and circumvents them via analytic expansions in the limit of small Gram determinants In this way we obtain the first integrand-reduction algorithm that is essentially free from Gram-determinant instabilities.

The open-loop method
Helicity and colour bookkeeping
Tree amplitudes
One-loop amplitudes
Parent–child relations and cutting rule
Helicity treatment and reduction to scalar integrals
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Summing helicities and diagrams on-the-fly
On-the-fly helicity summation
On-the-fly merging of topologically equivalent open loops
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On-the-fly integrand reduction
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Merging pinched topologies
Pinching a dressed propagator
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Pinching an undressed propagator
Pinching the D 0 propagator
Cutting rule
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Rational terms of type R1
Reduction identities and numerical stability
The reduction basis
On-the-fly box reduction
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On-the-fly triangle reduction
Box reduction
Triangle reduction
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Structure and implementation of the new algorithm
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Technical performance
Speed benchmarks
Stability benchmarks
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Conclusions and outlook
Full Text
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