
In this article we transmute the type I half logistic distribution using quadratic rank transmutation map to develop a transmuted type I half logistic distribution. The quadratic rank transmutation map enables the introduction of extra parameter into its baseline distribution to enhance more flexibility in the analysis of data in various disciplines such as reliability analysis in engineering, survival analysis, medicine, biological sciences, actuarial science, finance and insurance. The mathematical properties such as moments, quantile, mean, median, variance, skewness and kurtosis of this distribution are discussed. The reliability and hazard functions of the transmuted type I half logistic distribution are obtained. The probability density functions of the minimum and maximum order statistics of the transmuted type I half logistic distribution are established and the relationships between the probability density functions of the minimum and maximum order statistics of the parent model and the probability density function of the transmuted type I half logistic distribution are considered. The parameter estimation is done by the method of maximum likelihood estimation. The flexibility of the model in statistical data analysis and its applicability is demonstrated by using it to fit relevant data. The study is concluded by demonstrating that the transmuted type I half logistic distribution has a better goodness of fit than its parent model. We hope this model will serve as an alternative to the existing ones in the literature in fitting positive real data.

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