
Splendidofilaria caperata Hibler, 1964 was found in the pulmonary arteries of 1 of 7 red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus (L.) (Icteridae)), 2 of 30 common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor Vieillot (Icteridae)), and 1 of 2 American robins (Turdus migratorius L. (Muscicapidae)) collected near Guelph, Ontario, Canada. All are new host records and their epizootiologic importance in Ontario is discussed. Two of the three species of filarioids described from the pulmonary arteries of birds can be readily distinguished by cuticular morphology: S. caperata has a thick, striated cuticle which often appears wrinkled and inconspicuous lateral alae, whereas S. algonquinensis (Anderson, 1955) (= S. passerina Koch and Huizinga, 1971) has only a thin striated cuticle. A third species, S. periarterialis (Caballero, 1948), requires additional study.

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