
AbstractWe introduce a formula for translating any upper bound on the percolation threshold of a lattice$G$into a lower bound on the exponential growth rate of lattice animals$a(G)$and vice versa. We exploit this in both directions. We obtain the rigorous lower bound${\dot{p}_c}({\mathbb{Z}}^3)\gt 0.2522$for 3-dimensional site percolation. We also improve on the best known asymptotic bounds on$a({\mathbb{Z}}^d)$as$d\to \infty$. Our formula remains valid if instead of lattice animals we enumerate certain subspecies called interfaces. Enumerating interfaces leads to functional duality formulas that are tightly connected to percolation and are not valid for lattice animals, as well as to strict inequalities for the percolation threshold.Incidentally, we prove that the rate of the exponential decay of the cluster size distribution of Bernoulli percolation is a continuous function of$p\in (0,1)$.

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