
Let Pnr be the set of n-by-n r-regular primitive (0, 1)-matrices. In this paper, an explicit formula is found in terms of n and r for the minimum exponent achieved by matrices in Pnr. Moreover, matrices achieving that exponent are given in this paper. Gregory and Shen conjectured that bnr = nr 2 + 1 is an upper bound for the exponent of matrices in Pnr . Matrices achieving the exponent bnr are presented for the case when n is not a multiple of r. In particular, it is shown that b2r+1,r is the maximum exponent attained by matrices in P2r+1,r. When n is a multiple of r, it is conjectured that the maximum exponent achieved by matrices in Pnr is strictly smaller than bnr . Matrices attaining the conjectured maximum exponent in that set are presented. It is shown that the conjecture is true when n = 2r.

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