
In this paper, we study the existence and nonexistence of entire solutions of finite and infinite order of certain nonlinear difference equations of the form $$\begin{aligned} f^{n}\left( z\right) +L\left( z,f\right) =p_{1}\left( z\right) e^{\alpha _{1}\left( z\right) }+p_{2}\left( z\right) e^{\alpha _{2}\left( z\right) }, \quad \text { }n\ge 3 \end{aligned}$$ where \(p_{i}\left( z\right) \), \(\alpha _{i}\left( z\right) \)\(\left( i=1,2\right) \) are polynomials and \(L\left( z,f\right) \) is a nonzero linear difference polynomial in f, we give also an affirmative answer to the conjecture posed by Zhang et al. (Adv Differ Equ 2015:150, 2015).

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