
We investigate the behaviour on approach to the initial singularity in higher order extensions of general relativity by finding exact cosmological solutions for a wide class of models in which the Lagrangian is allowed to depend nonlinearly upon the three possible linear and quadratic scalars built from the Riemann tensor: R, RabRab and RabcdRabcd. We present new anisotropic vacuum solutions analogous to the Kasner solutions of general relativity and extend previous results to a much wider range of fourth-order theories of gravity. We discuss the implications of these results for the behaviour of the more general anisotropic Bianchi type VIII and IX cosmologies as the initial singularity is approached. Furthermore, we also consider the existence conditions for some other simple anisotropic Bianchi I vacuum solutions in which the expansion in each direction is of exponential, rather than power-law behaviour and their relevance for cosmic ‘no-hair’ theorems.

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