
In this work, we have explored wormhole (WH) solutions in F(R,Lm) gravity by assuming the Morris–Thorne WH metric and F(R,Lm)=R2+(1+γR)Lm , where γ is the free model parameter. We determined the WH solutions by utilizing two newly developed shape functions (SF) that satisfy all basic conditions for a WH’s physical validity. We also observe that the null energy condition (NEC) behaves negatively. Finally, for both models, we use the volume integral quantifier ( VIQ ) and Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff (TOV) equation to determine how much exotic matter is needed near the WH throat and the stability of the WH. The extensive detailed discussions of the matter components have been done via graphical analysis. The obtained WH geometries meet the physically acceptable conditions for a stable wormhole.

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