
Introduction. The availability of the quality and safety of drinking water is essential for human life and health. The Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) and other participants of the federal project ‘Clean Water’ assigned the task of providing 90.8% of the Russian population Federation with high-quality drinking water from centralized water supply systems until 2024. Currently, Rospotrebnadzor has switched to a new model of risk-based control and supervision, which determined the study’s purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness and economic efficiency of the new model of the service in the field of centralized drinking water supply. At present, Rospotrebnadzor has switched to a new model of risk-based control and supervision. The purpose of the study. To evaluate the results and cost-effectiveness of the new model of the service in the field of centralized drinking water supply. Material and methods. The study used indices of the control and supervisory activity of Rospotrebnadzor, indicators of drinking water quality of centralized water supply systems, data on morbidity and mortality of the population of the Russian Federation for 2014-2019. The results were estimated by the proportion of samples of drinking water from centralized water supply systems with excess hygienic standards prevented by the actions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, as well as controlled cases of morbidity and mortality. The economic efficiency assessment was based on a comparison of the costs of implementing the activities of Rospotrebnadzor and financial losses prevention as a result of a decrease in morbidity and mortality Results. An assessment of the results of the Rospotrebnadzor activity showed the occurrence of more than 36.75% of samples in 2019 that did not meet sanitary requirements for sanitary and chemical indices was prevented (1.8-2.0 times more than in 2014-2015), and 1.51% for microbiological (1.6 times more than in 2014). As a result of the activities of the Rospotrebnadzor, 249 deaths and 185,097 thousand cases of diseases of the population associated with the quality of drinking water were more prevented if compared with the pre-reform period. The economic efficiency of the service’s activities to improve the quality of drinking water of centralized water supply systems increased by 28.8% and amounted to 67.7 rubles in 2019. Conclusions. The introduction of a risk-based model in the control-supervision activities of Rospotrebnadzor led to a decrease in the likelihood of violations of sanitary requirements for the drinking water quality from centralized water supply systems and an increase in the number of prevented deaths and diseases of the population associated with the quality of drinking water. The economic efficiency of the service to improve the quality of drinking water from centralized water supply systems has increased.

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