
. This article considers the estimation of quantile treatment effects under the assumption of unconfoundedness given quasi-experimental data. We propose a semiparametric single-index method to estimate the propensity score. Our approach overcomes the curse of dimensionality issue of a nonparametric propensity score and can handle a moderately large dimension of covariates. It is more flexible than the parametric propensity score and thereby alleviates the possible model misspecification problem. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the quantile treatment effect estimator that is based on the semiparametric propensity score. We also propose a consistent variance estimator and construct the confidence intervals for the QTE estimator. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and the confidence intervals have adequate coverage rates. We demonstrate the usefulness of our method by applying it to a study of the quantile treatment effects of college education on income.

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