
In this paper we investigate a correspondence among spin and vertex models with the same number of local states on the square lattice with toroidal boundary conditions. We argue that the partition functions of an arbitrary n-state spin model and of a certain specific n-state vertex model coincide for finite lattice sizes. The equivalent vertex model has n3 non-null Boltzmann weights and their relationship with the edge weights of the spin model is explicitly presented. In particular, the Ising model in a magnetic field is mapped to an eight-vertex model whose weights configurations combine both even and odd number of incoming and outcoming arrows at a vertex. We have studied the Yang-Baxter algebra for such mixed eight-vertex model when the weights are invariant under arrows reversing. We find that while the Lax operator lie on the same elliptic curve of the even eight-vertex model the respective R-matrix can not be presented in terms of the difference of two rapidities. We also argue that the spin-vertex equivalence may be used to imbed an integrable spin model in the realm of the quantum inverse scattering framework. As an example, we show how to determine the R-matrix of the 27-vertex model equivalent to a three-state spin model devised by Fateev and Zamolodchikov.

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