
In this paper, we explicitly construct the smooth compact base threefold for the elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold with the largest known h1,1 = 303 148. It is generated by blowing up a smooth toric “seed” base threefold with (E8, E8, E8) collisions. The 4d F-theory compactification model over it has the largest geometric gauge group, {E}_8^{2561}times {F}_4^{7576}times {G}_2^{20168}times mathrm{SU}{(2)}^{30200}, and the largest number of axions, 181 820, in the known 4d mathcal{N} = 1 supergravity landscape. We also prove that there are at least 110015 048≈ 7.5 × 1045 766 different flip and flop phases of this base threefold. Moreover, we find that many other base threefolds with large h1,1 in the 4d F-theory landscape can be constructed in a similar way as well.


  • In this paper, we explicitly construct the smooth compact base threefold for the elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold with the largest known h1,1 = 303 148. It is generated by blowing up a smooth toric “seed” base threefold with (E8, E8, E8) collisions

  • We find that many other base threefolds with large h1,1 in the 4d F-theory landscape can be constructed in a similar way as well

  • If we allow bases that only support non-flat fibration over complex curves, the lower bound of such toric threefolds was proved to be 43 × 2.96 × 10755 in [21], and further estimated to be ∼ 103,000 in [22]

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We also estimated the number of self-dual G4 flux choices

On Btoric, there are still a number of non-toric (4, 6)-curves located on E8 divisors, which needs to be blown up They are analogous to the (4, 6)-points on the (−9)/(−10)/(−11) curves, in the elliptic Calabi-Yau threefold cases [7, 8]. Note that the locations of these non-toric curves depend on the coefficients of f and g, which correspond to the complex structure moduli of the elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold. After these non-toric blown ups, we get the non-toric base threefold B3 with h1,1(B3) = h1,1(Btoric) + 619 = 181 819. It is possible to construct a smooth threefold base that supports a flat fibration X4

X4 and the physical fields
Saturation of gauge groups
Number of flux choices
End point bases and mirror pairs
Seed bases with F4
Estimated number of gauge factors
Supergravity coupled to conformal matter
Standard model building
A Other toric seed threefolds
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