
We review the (2+1)-dimensional Ba\u{n}ados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole solution in conformally invariant gravity, uplifted to (3+1)-dimensional spacetime. As matter content we use a scalar-gauge field. The metric is written as $g_{\mu\nu}=\omega^2\tilde g_{\mu\nu}$, where the {\it dilaton field} $\omega$ contains all the scale dependencies and where $\tilde g_{\mu\nu}$ represents the "un-physical" spacetime. A numerical solution is presented and shows how the dilaton can be treated on equal footing with the scalar field. The location of the apparent horizon and ergo-surface depends critically on the parameters and initial values of the model. It is not a hard task to find suitable initial parameters in order to obtain a regular and {\it singular free} $g_{\mu\nu}$ out of a BTZ-type solution for $\tilde g_{\mu\nu}$. In the vacuum situation, an {\it exact} time-dependent solution in the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates is found, which is valid for the (2+1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime as well as for the uplifted (3+1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime. While $\tilde g_{\mu\nu}$ resembles the standard BTZ solution with its horizons, $g_{\mu\nu}$ is {\it flat}. The dilaton field becomes an infinitesimal renormalizable quantum field, which switches on and off Hawking radiation. This solution can be used to investigate the small distance scale of the model and the black hole complementarity issues. It can also be used to describe the problem how to map the quantum states of the outgoing radiation as seen by a distant observer and the ingoing by a local observer in a one-to-one way. The two observers will use a different conformal gauge. A possible connection is made with the antipodal identification and unitarity issues.


  • Besides the well-studied Schwarzschild and Kerr solution in general relativity theory (GRT), there is another black hole solution in (2 + 1)-dimensional spacetime, i.e., the Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole [1] [2]

  • We review the (2 + 1)-dimensional Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole solution in conformally invariant gravity, uplifted to (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime

  • This research shows the power of conformally invariant gravity and can be applied to bridge the gap between general relativity and quantum field theory in the vicinity of the horizons of black holes

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Besides the well-studied Schwarzschild and Kerr solution in general relativity theory (GRT), there is another black hole solution in (2 + 1)-dimensional spacetime, i.e., the Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole [1] [2]. The cosmological constant must be taken zero, when the BTZ solution is uplifted, so it loses its connection with the asymptotic AdS3 black hole This opens the way to new solutions, which was done in a conformally invariant setting [8] [9]. Ω is just an ordinary renormalizable field, which could create the spacetime twofold: an in-falling and outside observer use different ways to fix the conformal gauge in order to overcome the unitarity problems encountered in standard approaches in quantum gravity models. It can be handled on equal footing with a scalar field.

The BTZ Solution Revised
The Field Equations
The Numerical Solution
Complementarity Transformation and Conformal Compactification
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