
Abstract This study explores the dynamic interplay between macro and micro contexts in Chinese fans’ translations of Cardi B-related videos on Bilibili. Referring to the concept of translation as a cluster concept, Cardi B is considered as a dynamic source cluster for interlingual and intersemiotic translations, leading to the evolving formulation of the micro context surrounding the subtitled bullet-screen videos. Given the frequent changes in the micro context, two relatively stable components of the macro context are initially identified for the navigation of the corresponding micro contextual elements. The macro context includes the socio-political component of tensions in the China-United States relationship during the COVID-19 period of Trump’s presidency, and the subcultural component of Bilibili as a carnival. By analysing the interaction between macro and micro contexts within the target culture, as exemplified in the translator’s additions and target audiences’ on-screen danmu comments, this study concludes that the macro and micro contexts are in dynamic interplay when the source cluster and the translation workflow have an evolving nature. Moreover, the two contexts are no longer set at opposing ends of a spectrum. Instead, an intermediate zone is bridged by danmu comments, blurring the boundaries between macro and micro contexts in cyberspace.

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