
Every single human being who has ever been conceived has come into existence precisely because God wants him or her to exist. The present article offers psychological and spiritual considerations to assist people who, in a variety of settings, are evaluating medical-assisted technologies that require the removal of gametes from the body, especially those procedures that involve the buying and selling of gametes. Gamete "donation" is a misnomer when the transactions involve cash payment. Gamete "donation" is contrasted with the "self-donation" that a married couple makes to each other, and by extension to their children, in the marital embrace. The article draws out some of the implications of this contrast, particularly to the child's sense of identity. Particular attention is drawn to the mistakes and mix-ups that can occur when the gametes are removed from the body, which would be literally impossible under the circumstances of natural procreation. I conclude that the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church makes a uniquely humane and personalist contribution to the important public conversation about the use of assisted reproduction.

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