
A critical analysis of the scientific views of various scientists and researchers in relation to the categorical apparatus of the theory of change management is carried out, which makes it possible to form an integration approach to transformations in the developing socio-economic system in the vector of marketing and behavioral adaptation of business and government to turbulent challenges of various types and the requirements of the mobilization orientation of the economy. Within the framework of the discourse on the interpretation of essential paradigmatic aspects in the field of development of the theory of change management in the economy, it is stated that it is necessary to strengthen the influence of state influences on the ongoing changes of a transformative nature (innovative, modernization, restructuring and others), which should be accompanied by strengthening the moral and value potential in society, activation of the motivational dominant for the growth of social well-being in as well as strengthening the confidence of societies in the ongoing changes at all stages of the mobilization transformation of the socio-economic system as a whole. The importance of the moral and value potential of human resources is argued, which, on the one hand, should be a key element of the integration approach to managing changes in the business sector and in the socio-economic system as a whole, and on the other hand, should be a trigger in increasing the pace and quality of transformations in the country aimed at gaining economic and technological sovereignty.

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