
An abnormal situation has been created in biology during the last twenty years. Its essence was accurately expressed by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M. V. Keldysh. "The development of biology," he wrote in the newspaper Pravda, "was affected to a large extent by the exclusive position of a group of scientists headed by T. D. Lysenko, who denied a number of the most important trends of biological science and instilled their own viewpoints, which often did not correspond to the modern level of the science …. A number of scientists were removed from work in their specialties; the subjects of scientific institutions were limited; and the most important achievements of the science were excluded from the programs of the schools and higher educational institutions" (15). The reasons for the abnormal development of biology and, above all, of genetics in our country are analyzed in numerous articles that have appeared in the central newspapers and journals since the October (1964) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

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