
ThB perfomeance of some blanket designs is studied using economically optimized cycllug basad on a simple economics model. For an 800-liter corp faat rpactor having a 45cmQ radlal bL~t and an avpragp cora powpr of 1-Mw ppr llter, it apnsarz that thQ outermoBt b1ankpt plpmpnte makp Bncuah plutonium to pay for thp coat of thpir fabrication and PmqcQaBing, WalpBB thQ corp powpr dpnsity falla wpll below thQ axWCted valuB. A cyclic moUon of plpmpnte in thP inwand rad~al dirpcldon haB linlQ pffpct on thB pconomica if optlmum cycllag Q followad. Moving thp blaukpt plpmpnta may havp p~pBring advantagpB howpvpr, auch aa a uuifoma buildup and bummup, and lPBB variation iu powpr locally with timp. A paBte blaakpt with radinl inward motion aud axlal m~ig haB a ainailar bphavior. Incluaion of modcratinB mstprial in a faBt rpactor blankpt ia not promiaing for a high-powpr dpnBity rpactor uBing optimum cycllug, but it may provp valuablp if blankct fluxcB gpt vpry low or thp rQBidQncp timps of thp blaakpt clpmpnte arp limitcd. (auth)

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