
In the geometry of polyhedra we understand by an elementary content-functional a real valued, non-negative, finite additive measure on the set of polyhedra which is invariant under isometries. There are close relations between the content-measurement and the relation of equidecomposability. Two polyhedra are called equidecomposable if they are decomposed into pairwise congruent pieces. For an example we consider the set of all polygons in the euclidean plane. It is well known that planar polygons have the same area if and only if they are equidecomposable. In the three-dimensional euclidean space one also can describe the content-equality of polyhedra by a relation. Two polyhedra have the same volume if they are equidecomposable with respect to equiaffine mappings (see [3]). In [4] the concept of an invariant content of polyhedra in a topological Klein space is introduced. Each regular closed quasicompact set ot the space is called polyhedron. Under this supposition two polyhedra have equal contents if they are equivalent by decomposition. The relation “equivalent by decomposition” is closely related to the relation “equidecomposable”.

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