
The boson expansion method was developed with the purpose of continuously following even nuclear systems near their ground states, from the region of slightly anharmonic vibrations through the transitional region formed by a non-sharp phase transition to a region of permanent distortion characterized by the occurrence of rotational spectra. However, as the boson quantum was defined in the extreme vibrational limit, it was not possible to obtain quantitatively correct spectra in the transitional or deformed region. Believing that the major cause for the lack of success was the disregard of the self-consistent change of the basic degree of freedom, we here present a simple variational method to be used with the boson expansion technique. Its ability to cover the vibration-to-rotation transition is demonstrated by comparison with an exact solution for a four-level model with pairing force. Further the coverage of a quadrupole phase transition is shown for a system interacting via pairing-plus-quadrupole forces. A successful calculation of static quadrupole moments of Cd and Te isotopes is presented. Finally the approach in general situations with more complicated forces is discussed.

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