
Let N be a finitely generated nilpotent group. The subgroup zeta function \(\zeta _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \leqslant }(s)\) and the normal zeta function \(\zeta _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \lhd }(s)\) of N are Dirichlet series enumerating the finite index subgroups or the finite index normal subgroups of N. We present results about their abscissae of convergence \(\alpha _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \leqslant }\) and \(\alpha _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \lhd }\), also known as the degrees of polynomial subgroup growth and polynomial normal subgroup growth of N, respectively. We first prove some upper bounds for the functions \(N\mapsto \alpha _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \leqslant }\) and \(N\mapsto \alpha _N^{\scriptscriptstyle \lhd }\) when restricted to the class of torsion-free nilpotent groups of a fixed Hirsch length. We then show that if two finitely generated nilpotent groups have isomorphic \(\mathbb {C}\)-Mal’cev completions, then their subgroup (resp. normal) zeta functions have the same abscissa of convergence. This follows, via the Mal’cev correspondence, from a similar result that we establish for zeta functions of rings. This result is obtained by proving that the abscissa of convergence of an Euler product of certain Igusa-type local zeta functions introduced by du Sautoy and Grunewald remains invariant under base change. We also apply this methodology to formulate and prove a version of our result about nilpotent groups for virtually nilpotent groups. As a side application of our result about zeta functions of rings, we present a result concerning the distribution of orders in number fields.

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