
We analyze the spectrum of the exactly duality and gauge invariant higher-derivative double field theory. While this theory is based on a chiral CFT and does not correspond to a standard string theory, our analysis illuminates a number of issues central in string theory. The full quadratic action is rewritten as a two-derivative theory with additional fields. This allows for a simple analysis of the spectrum, which contains two massive spin-2 ghosts and massive scalars, in addition to the massless fields. Moreover, in this formulation, the massless or tensionless limit $\alpha'\rightarrow \infty$ is non-singular and leads to an enhanced gauge symmetry. We show that the massive modes can be integrated out exactly at the quadratic level, leading to an infinite series of higher-derivative corrections. Finally, we present a ghost-free massive extension of linearized double field theory, which employs a novel mass term for the dilaton and metric.


  • We analyze the spectrum of the exactly duality and gauge invariant higherderivative double field theory. While this theory is based on a chiral CFT and does not correspond to a standard string theory, our analysis illuminates a number of issues central in string theory

  • Flat space and reducing to D-dimensional indices i, j, . . ., the metric and two-form fluctuations are encoded in a general second-rank tensor eij, while the additional fields are given by two symmetric tensors aij and aij

  • As was outlined in [1] and shown in more detail in [10], these extra fields can be treated as auxiliary fields in that they can be eliminated algebraically by iteratively solving their field equations in terms of the massless fields

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Full quadratic theory and non-derivative terms

We compute the full quadratic Lagrangian and the potential of HSZ theory [1]. We show that the theory admits two vacua with constant backgrounds Both of these vacua have the same number of degrees of freedom; ‘ghost-like’ fields of one vacuum, correspond to ‘healthy’ fields of the other vacuum and vice versa. The Lagrangian L has terms with up to six derivatives, given in equation (3.16) and (3.17) of [13] This Lagrangian can be expanded around a constant background M that can be identified with a constant generalized metric [8]: MMN = HMN + mMN = HMN + mMN + mNM + aM N + aMN. Replace under-barred derivatives by D and barred derivatives by Ddefined as in [8], Di = ∂i − Eik∂ ̃k , Di = ∂i + Eki∂ ̃k ,. 1 2 for each barred contraction and a factor of each under-barred contraction

Full quadratic Lagrangian
Spectrum of the quadratic theory
Spectrum of the two-derivative quadratic theory
Spectrum of the full six-derivative quadratic theory
Massive linearized DFT
Tensionless limit and degrees of freedom
Higher derivatives that reduce the number of degrees of freedom
Eliminating the massive fields
A Degrees of freedom
Degrees of freedom of two-derivative HSZ theory
Degrees of freedom of full quadratic HSZ theory
J μν 2
Degrees of freedom of massive DFT
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