
Obtaining biomechanical properties of biological tissues for simulation purposes or graft developments is time and resource consuming. The number of samples required for biomechanical tests could be reduced if the load-deformation properties of a given tissue layer could be estimated from adjacent layers or if the biomechanical parameters were unaffected by age, bodyside, sex or post-mortem interval. This study investigates for the first time potential correlations of multiple super-imposed tissue layers using the temporal region of the human head as an area of broad interest in biomechanical modelling. Spearman correlations between biomechanical properties of the scalp, muscle fascia, muscle, bone and dura mater from up to 83 chemically unfixed cadavers were investigated. The association with age, sex and post-mortem interval was assessed. The results revealed sporadic correlations between the corresponding layers, such as the maximum force (r = 0.43) and ultimate tensile strength (r = 0.33) between scalp and muscle. Side- and age-dependence of the biomechanical properties were different between the tissue types. Strain at maximum force of fascia (r = -0.37) and elastic modulus of temporal muscle (r = 0.26) weakly correlated with post-mortem interval. Only strain at maximum force of scalp differed significantly between sexes. Uniaxial biomechanical properties of individual head tissue layers can thus not be estimated solely based on adjacent layers. Therefore, correlations between the tissues’ biomechanical properties, anthropometric data and post-mortem interval need to be established independently for each layer. Sex seems not to be a relevant influencing factor for the passive tissue mechanics of the here investigated temporal head tissue layers.

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