
<p>本文以最早創建、層級最高的臺灣府城隍廟為例,探討該信仰如何能經歷不同的時代,依然保有個性地延續下去。研究發現原因有四,一是明清兩朝雖將城隍神制度化,但官員與百姓仍保有各自對祂的信仰,該神也始終未脫離民間社會。二是民間信仰是一種帝國的文化象徵或意識型態,即使脫離帝制時期,城隍信仰還是保有官僚體系的等級性,民間仍視該神為冥界行政官與陰間司法審判官。三是現今城隍廟不僅會刻意凸顯其舊有的爵號、位階、文物及廟堂規制等,也會特別強調該神的形象、職能及有關靈驗事蹟,強化外界的特有印象。四是廟方還藉由舊有職能的引申與解釋、增加具有不同專長的陪祀神、運用城隍配祀神的專長與職掌等方法,提供現代信眾所需的服務。</p> <p> </p><p>This paper takes the earliest established and highest-level City God Temple in Taiwan as an example, to explore how this belief can go through different eras, still retain its personality and continue. The study found that there are four reasons. First, although the Ming and Qing dynasties institutionalized the city god, officials and people still maintained their own beliefs in him, and the god never broke away from the civil society. Second, the folk belief is a cultural symbol or ideology of the empire. Even if it leaves the imperial period, the belief in the city god still retains the hierarchy of the bureaucracy, and the folk still regard the god as the administrator of the underworld and the judge of the underworld. Thirdly, city god temple will not only deliberately highlight its old titles, ranks, cultural relics, and temple regulations, but also emphasize the image, functions, and relevant efficacies of the deity, so as to strengthen the unique impression of the believers. Fourth, the temple also provides the services needed by modern believers by extending and explaining the old functions, adding worship gods with different specialties, and using the expertise and functions of the city god to serve the gods.</p> <p> </p>

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