
A class of pseudo-Hermitian quantum system with an explicit form of the positive-definite metric in the Hilbert space is presented. The general method involves a realization of the basic canonical commutation relations defining the quantum system in terms of operators that are Hermitian with respect to a pre-determined positive-definite metric in the Hilbert space. Appropriate combinations of these operators result in a large number of pseudo-Hermitian quantum systems admitting entirely real spectra and unitary time evolution. The examples considered include simple harmonic oscillators with complex angular frequencies, Stark (Zeeman) effect with non-Hermitian interaction, non-Hermitian general quadratic form of N boson (fermion) operators, symmetric and asymmetric XXZ spin chain in the complex magnetic field, non-Hermitian Haldane–Shastry spin chain and Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick model.

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