
Ozet: Son yillarda dunyanin bir cok ulkesinde oldugu kadar, Turkiye'deki planlama/mimarlik ortaminda da kentsel donusum kavrami uzerinde cesitli tartismalar yapilmaktadir. Kentsel donusum, kentsel sorunlara cozum uretmek amaciyla, degisime ugrayan bir bolgenin ekonomik, fiziksel, sosyal ve cevresel kosullarina kalici bir cozum saglama- ya calisan kapsamli bir vizyon ve eylem olarak ifade edilmektedir. Kentsel donusumun en temel hedefleri; fiziksel cokusu durdurmak ve tarihi dokunun surdurulebilirligini saglamak, ekonomik yasami canlandirmak, mimarlik ve kentsel yasam kalitesini arttirmak, kulture dayali dinamikleri harekete gecirmek ve donusum surecine her olcekte ilgili aktorlerin katilimini saglamaktir. Bu baglamda calismanin amaci, kentsel donusum konusuna aciklik getirmek ve Bursa kenti icinde islevini yitirmis bolgelerde gerceklesen iki projeyi yukarida bahsedilen hedefler dogrultusunda tartismaktir. Calismada yontem olarak, oncelikle literatur ve arsiv arastirmasi yapilmis, daha sonra ilgili kurumlardaki yetkililer- den ornek projelere iliskin somut veriler alinmis ve basit gozlem teknigiyle proje alanlarindaki uygulamalar incelen- mistir. Makalede ilk olarak, kentsel donusum kavraminin tanimi, nedenleri, gelisimi, uygulama bicimleri ve boyutlari irdelenmis, daha sonra Kukurtlu Kentsel Donusum Projesi ve Eski Mudanya Gar Binasi Restorasyonu ve Iskele Mey- dani Duzenleme Projesi tanitilmis ve degerlendirilmistir. Sonuc olarak, bir kentsel donusum projesi kapsaminda ele alinan Kukurtlu orneginin kentsel donusumun dort temel hedefini buyuk oranda sagladigi, ancak birbiriyle butunle- semeyen spontane ve parcacil projelerle cevresinde degisim/donusumu tetikleyen Mudanya orneginin ise kismen ilk uc hedefe cevap verdigi ve bir kentsel donusum projesi niteligi tasimadigi belirlenmistir. Abstract: In recent years, different arguments have been made about urban regeneration in Turkey, similar to many other countries in the world. Urban regeneration has been defined as a comprehensive process which leads to the solution of urban problems and seeks to bring about a lasting improvement in the economic, physical, social and environmental conditions of an area that has changed. The most fundamental aims of this concept are to prevent the physical decay and to supply the sustainability of historical texture, to revitalize the economic life, to improve the quality of architecture and urban life, to stimulate the cultural dynamics and to enable the participation of relevant actors in all scales of the regeneration process. In this context, the aim of the study is to explain the urban regenera- tion concept, and to discuss two projects implemented in urban districts of Bursa which have lost their functions, in relation to the aims mentioned above. Methods used in this study are the examination of written sources and archives, interviews with competent persons from relevant institutions and simple observations about the implementations in the project areas. In the introduction part of the study, the definition, reasons, development, methods, dimensions of urban regeneration concept have been evaluated, after which Kukurtlu Urban Regeneration Project, and the Restoration Project of Old Railway Station of Mudanya and Improvement Project of Port Square have been introduced and evaluated. Finally, it has been determined that Kukurtlu sample, evaluated as an urban regeneration project, meets almost all of the four aims of the urban regeneration concept, while Mudanya sample, which has caused transformation in the district with spontaneous and separate piecemeal projects, meets the first three aims partially and does not reflect the characteristics of an urban regeneration project.

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