
<dm:abstracts xmlns:dm="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/dm/dtd"><ce:abstract xmlns:ce="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd" view="all" class="author" id="aep-abstract-id7"><ce:section-title>Publisher Summary</ce:section-title><ce:abstract-sec view="all" id="aep-abstract-sec-id8"><ce:simple-para id="fsabs008" view="all">This chapter focuses on the current status of HgCdTe molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) growth technology as practiced in laboratory. The chapter addresses the following topics: a summary of the ‘hardware’ aspects of MBE growth technology, including the role of process sensors, a discussion of the key parameters of the epitaxial growth process and associated thin-film material properties, and a discussion of current state-of-the-art results in device application areas that have been particularly well-served by the evolution of HgCdTe MBE technology. Significant progress has been achieved in HgCdTe MBE growth technology that has enabled the synthesis of complicated multilayer infrared (IR) detector device structures. The development and integration of in situ sensors for monitoring and control of the sensitive HgCdTe MBE growth process, has significantly advanced the capabilities and consistency of the technology, culminating in demonstrations of excellent device performance in a wide variety of IR device architectures such as multispectral detectors, near-IR avalanche photodiodes (APD), high-performance medium wavelength infrared (MWIR) detectors, and megapixel arrays on Silicon (Si) substrates. Cryopumps have found widespread use in MBE systems designed for the growth of HgCdTe alloys. The epitaxial growth of device-quality HgCdTe by MBE is extremely sensitive to fundamental growth parameters such as source fluxes and substrate temperature. MBE growth of HgCdTe generally utilizes Hg, CdTe, and Te as source materials. HgCdTe alloys, because of their unique energy band structure, can be designed to provide low-excess-noise carrier multiplication. MBE growth technology, besides allowing for the integration of sensors that can be used to precisely control the process, also offers the added benefit of excellent lateral uniformity in HgCdTe epitaxial material quality.</ce:simple-para></ce:abstract-sec></ce:abstract></dm:abstracts>

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