
In holographic interferometry of diffusely reflecting surfaces the two interfering fields observed are homologous, provided certain observation conditions and idealizations are satisfied. The physical content of this statement, as it is given here, is that the complex amplitude of field one, in a small volume about a point P of observation, is identical (or proportional) to the complex amplitude of field two in a similar volume about a point P′, close to P. The conditions for homology are given, and a proof is outlined with reference to a more detailed investigation carried out elsewhere. A principal ray, and the locus of points satisfying homology of field two with respect to points along the principal ray in field one, constitute a pair of homologous rays. The concept of homologous rays was introduced by Vienot et al. [1] for surface movements coplanar with the illumination and observation directions. Its validity is extended here to more general movements, including strain and shear. It is shown how po...

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