
Today, corruption crime is a threat to the national security of the state. It has permeated all vital spheres of society. The economic sphere is particularly affected by the above-mentioned illegal acts. Corruption increases the outflow of money to the "shadow economy" and reduces the level of investment attractiveness, which generally leads to a decrease in economic growth. So, for the period from January to December 2019, 29,066 corruption crimes were registered, which is 0.5 % more for the specified period in 2018. Analysis of statistical data for the last 5 years shows that this growth is stable and every year law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation detect more crimes. We believe that the study of anti-corruption crime issues is one of the priority tasks not only of the Russian Federation, but also of the international community as a whole. Improving the course of criminal law policy in the field of economic security will strengthen the authority of the Russian Federation as a modern legal and social state. At the same time, the impeccable practical experience of fighting corruption crime in our country can be used by foreign countries to modernize their own criminal law policy. To date, the Russian Federation is making active attempts to reduce the quantitative and qualitative indicators of corruption crime by introducing the latest mechanisms of criminal and legal protection of public relations in various fields, developing modern methods of investigating corruption crimes, and conducting active and fruitful work with the population.

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