
It is shown how the analytic class number formula can be used to produce an algorithm which efficiently computes the class number h of an algebraic number field F. The method assumes the truth of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis in order to estimate the residue of the Dedekind zeta function of F at s = 1 s = 1 sufficiently well that h can be determined unambiguously. Given the regulator R of F and a known divisor h ∗ {h^ \ast } of h, it is shown that this technique will produce the value of h in O ( | d F | 1 + ε / ( h ∗ R ) 2 ) O(|{d_F}{|^{1 + \varepsilon }}/{({h^ \ast }R)^2}) elementary operations, where d F {d_F} is the discriminant of F. Thus, if h > | d F | 1 / 8 h > |{d_F}{|^{1/8}} , then the complexity of computing h (with h ∗ = 1 {h^ \ast } = 1 ) is O ( | d F | 1 / 4 + ε ) O(|{d_F}{|^{1/4 + \varepsilon }}) .

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