
In this paper, we give improved bounds for the computational complexity of computing with planar algebraic curves. More specifically, for arbitrary coprime polynomials f, g∈Z[x,y] and an arbitrary polynomial h∈Z[x,y], each of total degree less than n and with integer coefficients of absolute value less than 2τ, we show that each of the following problems can be solved in a deterministic way with a number of bit operations bounded by Õ(n6+n5τ), where we ignore polylogarithmic factors in n and τ:•The computation of isolating regions inC2for all complex solutions of the system f=g=0,•the computation of a separating form for the solutions of f=g=0,•the computation of the sign ofh at all real valued solutions of f=g=0, and•the computation of the topology of the planar algebraic curve C defined as the real valued vanishing set of the polynomial f. Our bound improves upon the best currently known bounds for the first three problems by a factor of n2 or more and closes the gap to the state-of-the-art randomized complexity for the last problem.

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