
Parallel island models (PIMs) are used to enhance the performance of evolutionary algorithms (EAs). In PIMs, each island executes an EA for evolving its local population, and periodically individuals migrate to neighborhoods synchronously or asynchronously. Neighborhoods are organized through a topology of communication, and migration policies guide individual exchange. This work explores migration policies over different communication topologies in synchronous and asynchronous PIMs to improve the speed-up and accuracy of genetic algorithms (GAs). The aim is to explain such models’ adequacy from a general perspective, attempting to answer questions such as the best way to implement GAs in PIMs. To reach this goal, the quality of the solutions and the running time provided by proposed PIMs are evaluated over four NP-hard problems of different combinatorial nature: reversal and translocation evolutionary distance, task mapping and scheduling, and N-Queens. The experiments show that tuning the parameters of the breeding cycle and migration policies is vital to guarantee that all proposed PIMs reach good speed-ups and more accurate solutions than the sequential GA. In addition, experiments ratify that synchronous models provide the best solutions, while asynchronous models deliver the best speed-ups. Finally, the results show that no model provides either better speed-up or accuracy in general since, as for sequential models, the nature of the problem define which would be the best-adapted PIM.

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