
FLEGG A. T. and WEBBER C. D. (1997) On the appropriate use of location quotients in generating regional input‐output tables: reply, Reg. Studies 31, 795‐805. In this paper, we respond to Steven Brand's criticisms of our FLQ formula for adjusting national input‐output tables to take account of interregional trade. We argue that the FLQ's cross-industry foundations are theoretically appropriate and that our approach provides a rigorous basis for testing the traditional assumption of identical regional and national technology. We provide a more detailed rationale for the role of regional size in the FLQ formula and also present a revised version of this formula. Notwithstanding Brand's criticisms, we aim to demonstrate that the FLQ remains a very useful addition to the regional analyst's tool box. FLEGG A. T. et WEBBER C. D. (1997) Sur l'emploi approprie des quotients de localisation pour construire des tableaux d'echanges intersectoriels regionaux: une reponse, Reg. Studies 31, 795-805. Cet article cherche ...

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