
Spin-Echo Modulated Small Angle Neutron Scattering with spatial resolution, i.e. quantitative Spin-Echo Dark Field Imaging, is an emerging technique coupling neutron imaging with spatially resolved quantitative small angle scattering information. However, the currently achieved relatively large modulation periods of the order of millimeters are superimposed to the images of the samples. So far this required an independent reduction and analyses of the image and scattering information encoded in the measured data and is involving extensive curve fitting routines. Apart from requiring a priori decisions potentially limiting the information content that is extractable also a straightforward judgment of the data quality and information content is hindered. In contrast we propose a significantly simplified routine directly applied to the measured data, which does not only allow an immediate first assessment of data quality and delaying decisions on potentially information content limiting further reduction steps to a later and better informed state, but also, as results suggest, generally better analyses. In addition the method enables to drop the spatial resolution detector requirement for non-spatially resolved Spin-Echo Modulated Small Angle Neutron Scattering.


  • While Spin-Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS) [1] is an established small angle neutron scattering technique (SANS) extending the range of SANS to very small (V-SANS) and ultra small (USANS) angles, Spin-Echo Modulated Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SEMSANS) has been introduced only recently [2,3] based on spatial beam modulation induced by spin-echo as proposed and proven earlier [4,5,6]

  • SEMSANS can be seen as a variation of SESANS, using less precession regions and providing the option to place the sample behind the spin-manipulation region, in a field free region where magnetic samples can be measured

  • Novel Data reduction and analyses Here we introduce a novel approach to this data reduction, which does simplify the data extraction significantly, and enables regaining full spatial resolution for the attenuation in SEM-DFI and has the potential to overcome the requirement for a spatially resolved detection for straightforward SEMSANS applications

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