
This paper is concerned with the design and analysis of algorithms for optimization problems in arc-dependent networks. A network is said to be arc-dependent if the cost of an arc a depends upon the arc taken to enter a. These networks are fundamentally different from traditional networks in which the cost associated with an arc is a fixed constant and part of the input. We first study the arc-dependent shortest path (ADSP) problem, which is also known as the suffix-1 path-dependent shortest path problem in the literature. This problem has a polynomial time solution if the shortest paths are not required to be simple. The ADSP problem finds applications in a number of domains, including highway engineering, turn penalties and prohibitions, and fare rebates. In this paper, we are interested in the ADSP problem when restricted to simple paths. We call this restricted version the simple arc-dependent shortest path (SADSP) problem. We show that the SADSP problem is NP-complete. We present inapproximability results and an exact exponential algorithm for this problem. We also extend our results for the longest path problem in arc-dependent networks. Additionally, we explore the problem of detecting negative cycles in arc-dependent networks and discuss its computational complexity. Our results include variants of the negative cycle detection problem such as longest, shortest, heaviest, and lightest negative simple cycles.22An extended abstract of this work appeared in Wojciechowski et al. (2020).

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