
Let $d\geq3$ be fixed and $G$ be a large random $d$-regular graph on $n$ vertices. We show that if $n$ is large enough then the entry distribution of every almost eigenvector of $G$ (with entry sum 0 and normalized to have length $\sqrt{n}$) is close to some Gaussian distribution $N(0,\sigma)$ in the weak topology where $0\leq\sigma\leq1$. Our theorem holds even in the stronger sense when many entries are looked at simultaneously in small random neighborhoods of the graph. Furthermore, we also get the Gaussianity of the joint distribution of several almost eigenvectors if the corresponding eigenvalues are close. Our proof uses graph limits and information theory. Our results have consequences for factor of i.i.d. processes on the infinite regular tree. In particular, we obtain that if an invariant eigenvector process on the infinite $d$-regular tree is in the weak closure of factor of i.i.d. processes then it has Gaussian distribution.

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