
This article contains theoretical analysis and experimental study of the original mechatronics system with flexible characteristics which we can adapt to changing needs and external interference. The main purpose of our research is to find a solution that allows tailoring the desired characteristics of systems regardless of changing conditions without their mechanical interference. The system consists of the guide endowed with mass suspended in the air by the linear aerostatic bearing. Linear mechanical spring is attached to the one side of the guide whereas the neodymium magnet is fixed to the other side. Magnet-magnet and magnet-coil interactions have been investigated. The magnet-magnet interaction plays the role of the nonlinear magnetic spring while the magnet-coil interaction plays the role of the electromagnetic spring or electromagnetic damper in terms of the coil current signal. Static and dynamic characteristics of mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic springs have been analyzed. A new physical model of the magnet-magnet interaction has been presented, the validity of which is confirmed experimentally. In addition, modern IT (information technology) techniques have been used to control the system behavior. The reliable results of the entire system and its springs are obtained by conducting tests on specially constructed laboratory setup. The main benefit of the fabricated setup concerns an elimination of dry friction effects though the frictions is viscous with identifiable movement resistance.

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