
The series E1 a. is said to be absolutely summable (R, X, r), or simply summable R, X, rI, r_O, if Arw(,)/ W is of bounded variation in (A, oo), where A is a finite positive number [6; 7](1). We may, for example, take A =X1. The above definition can also be put in the following equivalent form by defining X suitably at nonintegral points and by a change of variable. ALTERNATIVE DEFINITION. Let X =X(X) be a continuous, differentiable, and monotonic increasing function of X in (K, oo), K being a positive constant, and let it tend to infinity with co. Suppose that >1 is a given infinite series, and write Cr(c@) = jX(co) X(n) } an (r ? 0).

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