
Let SL 4( Z) be the group of four by four integral matrices with determinant one. This group acts upon the top homology of the spherical Tits building of SL 4 over Q , i.e. the Steinberg module St 4 (see below, 1.2). The goal of this note is to prove the following: Theorem 1. The first homology group H 1(SL 4( Z), St 4) is a finite group of order a power of 2. This result was proved 18 years ago (Soulé, Thèse, University of Paris VII, 1979). At the time, I deduced from it that K 4( Z) is the direct sum of a finite 2-group and 0 or Z/3 . Rognes uses Theorem 1 in his proof that K 4( Z) vanishes (J. Rognes, K 4( Z) is the trivial group, Preprint, 1998).

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